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Enjoy these meditations...

Welcoming Our Queer Selves (soft landing; adapted and spoken by Markus Bohlmann) - welcoming all parts of ourselves and making room for our queer selves....


Walking - Soles of the Feet (in nature, Markus Bohlmann) - Als  LSBTIQ+ Community leben wir oft in Angst. Obwohl LSBTIQ+ Feindlichkeit real ist, kann diese excessive Angst unseren Kontakt zu Menschen und zum Leben blockieren. Diese Meditation hilft uns das Angst-Gedankenkarusell zu erkennen und auszusteigen. As LGBTQ+ Community, we often live in fear. Though hostility against LGBTQ+ is real, our excessive fear can block our contact to people and to life itself. This meditation allows us to recognize our excessive fear-based thinking and offers a way out.


Soothing Touch (spoken by Markus Bohlmann) | Beruhigende Berührung (gesprochen von Markus Bohlmann) - to soothe and support ourselves during difficult moments | uns selbst beruhigen und unterstützen in schwierigen Momenten.


Loving Kindness for Our Queer Selves (soft landing; adapted by Armel Law Wraight and spoken by Markus Bohlmann) - to love ourselves up through the power of words.


Self-Compassion Break (spoken by Markus Bohlmann) - The invitation of this practice is to pause and to tap into the three components of self-compassion to be kind to ourselves in moments of difficulty.


Compassion with Equanimity (spoken by Markus Bohlmann) - a practice for when we are in challenging relationships with people.



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